Louisiana has been quite an experience for the Thomas Family. The swamps, marshes, and bayous are beautiful and mysterious. Pictures just don't do it justice... We enjoyed learning about the culture and history of this area. The boys and I especially enjoyed visiting the Jean Lafitte National Preserve. There's nothing like a 4+ mile walk t the bayou to bring you closer as a family - snakes, turtles, alligators were a large part of this memorable experience! The boys even earned their Junior Ranger patches/ certificates at the park that day!
We also visited the legendary French Quarter. It is a fascinating place - W.O.W! The city was vibrant and alive! It's almost Mardi Gras and things were in full swing. These country folks were amazed by the sights and sounds, but we were thankful to head home when the sun started to set after a full day :-)
Our campsite #2 - We were in a great location!
Two words...FREE LAUNDRY!!!!!!!!!!!!
We took full advantage of this lovely service! I was looking around for things to wash after everything was clean LOL!
That's Braden fishing off a bridge in the Park
Putting on the Louisiana sticker
If one person told us about these beignets... Well, everyone told us about them...very famous & very delicious I'm sure! We bought the mix & will make them when we get back to Md.
Pictures from the city...
Unique sights & sounds
One of my favorite places from this part of the trip
Walking through the Preserve
One of the MANY snakes we saw on the hike
The largest alligator we saw - it was a mama with her babies ( you can see them directly under that log!)
The boys & I thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon! Their young eyes could make out the camoflauged creatures much better than my aging eyeballs!
We completed a scavenger hunt throughout the park and then completed additional activities, and the boys earned their Junior Ranger Patch/ Certificate from the Jean Lafitte National Preserve! I was so proud as they said their pledge with the Ranger!
PS- Aaron is not sweating in this picture, he had dumped his water bottle over his head- it was warm & humid!!!
Back at the campground...
We're having a blast, but miss our family sometimes! Love you guys!!!!