Our Campsite in Crystal River
Always Looking for Fish
Fun Day Field Trip
Climbing Ancient Mound Lookout
Another Angle!
We have found this awesome program - DIY.org. It stretches the boys imaginations and gives them challenges and activities to complete that they may not think up on their own. They can earn patches after they have completed so many of these challenges. Braden wanted to earn his FISHING badge first (surprise, surprise!) We have discovered that Aaron has a natural talent for Engineering and Science in general! Here is a pencil catapult he built with common household items! He is working on a few badges at once!
Look at that SMILE! This boy is happiest when learning in the sunshine!
Braden convinced Aaron to fish with him!
Family Walk Through the Muddy Florida Trails!
Sunday Selfie
Sheepshead Teeth
Care Packages from Home are AWESOME!!!
Visits From Nonna & PopPop are AWESOME, too!
Aaron (AKA Mr. Science) testing his wind power theory!
Packing Up!
Moving Day!