We arrived at Lake Hartwell State Park yesterday, Monday, June 17th after an almost 5 hour trek from Ashville, NC ( a few stops and a few "navigational hiccups" added some time to the trip) We have the park almost all to ourselves and we have a beautiful waterfront campsite. There are 14 miles of shoreline along this lake and the park is about 680 acres!!! It is amazingly awesome to look out our back bedroom window and see the lake. It's so nice that the boys can fish right behind the RV. They can fish 24/7 if they want :-). We've gone on a few bike rides and spent some time exploring the boat ramp down the street. Today, it's been raining off and on and Bryan had to drive to Greenville for meetings all day. The boys and I are holding down the fort. So far today, we've fished, taken walks between rain showers and played Pictionary on the XBox. We also have baked cookies in the NuWave and we're hunkered down right now watching Monsters Inc and eating popcorn. I think another walk may be in our near future!!!! We are very thankful that Bryan is out earning a living so that we can enjoy this adventure- Thanks Daddy!

Lake Hartwell - view from the boat ramp- our campsite is nestled in those trees

"Home Sweet Home" for the next few days
Adding the SC Sticker

Aaron has mad Jenga skills!

The boys found a turtle... They named him Boxy and watched him mosey back into the woods

Our backyard

Bryan gearing up for his busy day in Greenville

First fish caught in South Carolina

SNAKE!!!!!!!!!! Braden pretended to be the Turtle Man and picked him up by his tail. Not a great idea.
Hartwell Sunfish
Exploring Georgia at the Hartwell Dam
Savannah River
No Fear
Thinking man
The Bear
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