Friday, September 26, 2014

Hershey, PA- Part 2

We have been thoroughly enjoying our time here in Pennsylvania!  It is gorgeous in this area and the leaves are starting to change - amazing hues of yellows, reds and oranges! Bryan's parents visited us this week and we loved spending time with them.  We had a yummy Rigatoni dinner on Sunday night and we visited an Amish family that Bob and Karen have known for a very long time on Monday.  The time with Elam Petersheim and his son was a gift -he was very open to sharing about his way of life and answered many questions we had about the Amish culture!  What an experience!  
Later in the week, the boys and I visited Chocolate World, learned about how chocolate is made and more about the incredible life of Milton Hershey.  The boys are excelling in their studies - Bryan and I are so proud of them!  Life on the road is good!
Two of our happy little guys!
Welcome Bob and Karen!  Nice cabin!
Sunday can't tell but it started to POUR down the rain as soon as Bryan  and I served dinner :-(  Luckily, everyone kept a positive attitude and we powered through!  
Here we are in Amish Country! Just ignore the truck in the background...should've been an Amish Buggy :-)
Soooo glad the lane looked familiar!
Elam is in the buggy business
Gorgeous simplicity
No tractors...they are all about the horsepower!
An Amish washing machine!  It was loud and effective :-)  Doesn't run on electricity though, it's actually compressed air!
No bikes for the Amish, but they do allow these non-motorized scooters.
This is truly God's country!
What an amazing experience!  The Amish don't believe in taking photographs- because they can accentuate individuality (which is not acceptable in the Amish Faith) and also because they believe it violates the Biblical commandment, "Thou shalt not make unto thyself a graven image."  We are fascinated by the Amish and could have been like the paparazzi snapping pictures, but we refrained...for the most part...

Here we are at the Sweetest Place on Earth!  
My handsome boys!
Yum, yum, yum!

Look at those numbers!  We love chocolate production!
Helped solve a mystery in the theater :-)
This was an incredible interactive experience! Reese actually talked to the audience (like he know some of our names and was carrying on conversations throughout the show!!!)
Another photo opp!
We made our own candy bars!  It was ridiculously fun!
Waiting for our bars to come down the production line!
Finished product!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Hershey, Pennsylvania - Part 1

Here we are!!!  Amish Country in the Fall... It's beautiful here.  We're staying at a Thousand Trails Park.  The staff and other campers couldn't be nicer and the park is well maintained and our site is spacious, private and overlooks the lake.  Can't get much better than that.  Lots of field trip opportunities up here to round out our studies, so we'll be posting lots if pictures :-)  Here are a few of our favorites so far...
We're right "over there!"  Just follow the arrows :-)
Our site for a spell...
Our little lakeside "window"
The lake at the park
Surrounded by beautiful farmland

Braden's been fishing in his spare time :-)
Aaron's been bike riding and hanging out with his brother...there's so much to explore!
We've had a bit of downtime, too!
They have a great Family Center here at the park.
We went on a Fun Friday Field Trip yesterday to the Turkey Hill Experience in Columbia, PA.  Totally awesome time learning about the story/history behind Turkey Hill, dairy farms, cows, milk production and ICE CREAM!!!  We all give the experience 2 thumbs up ( and it wasn't just because they had unlimited samples!!!!)
Who's that MOO-vie star????
Happy Guys!
My favorite park?  Milking the mechanical cow, of course!
How cute is he?
Cowabunga, dude!
Here we are at Sample Central...yum, yum, yum!!!!!
Oh, that's where Bryan went...
Creating their own ice cream flavor, their own packaging, and then starring in their own commercial!
Aaron made Bearclaw Swirl and Braden did a traditional Moose Tracks :-)
Looking at Good vs. Bad bacteria through gigantic microscopes

We laughed sooooo hard at this station!  Bryan and Aaron are pros in front of the camera...Braden and I feel more comfortable behind the scenes...

Bryan interviewing Daisy the Dairy Cow!
Did you know?????
We really learned a lot of interesting facts and had a blast at all the learning stations !  Wish everyday could be a Turkey Hill Day :-)
Stay tuned for our next adventure!!!