Here is a photo collection of our Spring 2017 memories! Time in Easton with family, schooling, learning important life skills, eating yummy food...Oh, the memories...
Biology...Hand-On Lab Time. Braden was less than thrilled. |
The inside scoop... |
Aaron really enjoyed the lab and took a leadership role! |
Braden's face says it all... |
Helping GranDaddy with yard work |
The tree must come done...the boys were waiting out of harms way, as instructed. |
Still working... |
Bryan teaching Aaron how to service the generator (Small Engine Maintenance 101) |
Another day...more tree limbs to move! |
Back in the house, Aaron learned some important kitchen skills! |
Making his first Lemon Meringue Pie to celebrate Mom-Mom's 91st Birthday! |
Delicious! |
Happy Birthday, Mom-Mom! |
Another Biology Lab... |
Prepping the petri dishes with labels and agar |
The boys had to swab different surfaces and then let whatever was on those surfaces grow in the petri dishes...Yikes! |
Relaxing at the movies after all that hard work! |
Braden made his famous Gluten Free Peanut Butter cookies for his grandparents! |
A friendly game of Monopoly Empire while the cookies were in the oven... |
Peanut butter cookies! |
"I am Groot"!!!! |
Mom-Mom was finally feeling up to working her puzzle...with a little help from Braden! |
Nonna made us a delicious dinner! |
We attempted to clean out/organize our storage unit. UGH! |
Bodie tried to tell me he wanted to go shopping...he even had a coupon! |
I usually include a Bodie sleeping picture....but since the cats are staying with the grandparents, it seems only right that Stormie gets her moment in the sun! |
Does anyone else do this??? My cart was too small! Quick trip before we headed to Ocean City for a beach week! |
An Ocean City/Rehoboth Beach Tradition |
Who could resist?!? |
One of our favorite walking bridges EVER!!!! |
Everything is better at the beach |
Sunset at the beach |
Searching for the fish |
Me and my boy out for a walk on a breezy day! |
When he's not fishing, he's reading about fishing! |
Keri-Ann and Cate came to visit us for the day! |
Cousins!!! |
Peek-A-Boo! |
A great day at the beach... |
The day ended with an early dinner and some shopping the stores along the boardwalk! Lots of great memories! |
Later that week, we tried out the Virtual Reality Booth on the boardwalk. It was a hit! |
Played some arcade games (winner winner, chicken dinner!) |
It was so much fun, we came back for another round! |
We celebrated our 19th Wedding Anniversary at Dos Locos in Rehoboth Beach! |
On the way back from the beach, we stopped at the UPS Place and grabbed our new chairs for the rig. |
Some heavy lifting! |
Made for an interesting rest of the trip back to Easton. |
Out with the old... |
In with the new! |
So much better now... |
The boys specimens grew while we were at the beach...Prepare yourselves. The pictures are a bit gross. |
This is a close up of one of the specimens.. |
Yuck |
Ewwwww |
After much hand-washing and cleaning...the guys went crabbing and caught a bushel of crabs! |
My favorite sight (and smell!) |
I love you, Mr. Steamed Crab! |
Amazing Hollyhocks from my parent's yard! |
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