We love Halloween. Throughout the course of our boys lives', we have had some epic Halloween celebrations. We had to continue with the tradition, so we planned our whole fall travel itinerary around being somewhere where the boys could have an awesome Halloween experience. Mission accomplished. Here's what Halloween 2014 looked like for the Thomas Family!
Picked a peck of pumpkins...yes, they were Walmart specials but they were pleasantly plump and particularly perfect!
We carved pumpkins with our friends from RVHS
Everyone was very creative & careful :-)
Braden carved an "R" for his favorite football team, the Redskins.
Aaron carved a scary Halloween face.
And I have managed to (barely) keep my mum alive since I adopted it in Hershey, PA. WooHoo!
Bryan was terrified when he saw the boys Halloween costumes!!!!
Braden, our football player and Aaron, the Minecraft Creeper.
Our Trick-Or-Treating Crew 2014...did you see our friend Luke on the ground in his camo gear? Hahaha
Some tricks and some treats...Ms.Janis was a mad scientist- she have Aaron glass marbles!
It was a beautiful day to Trick-Or-Treat!
We met some interesting characters! (Notice the severed head dangling from his creepy clown hand!!)
Bodie had an especially fabulous time Trick-Or-Treating! He received soooo much love while we were walking around that night!
He bellied up to the bar at this site! We had to convince the people he doesn't like Sweet Tarts!
He's a happy, happy dog!
I was feeling a little "drained" after all the fun ;-)
The boys got lots of TREATS!

A great time was had by all...
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