We're in Maine! We're at the Bar Harbor/Oceanfront KOA. The staff is very friendly here - they welcomed the kids with Popsicles! We were upgraded to a beautiful waterfront site and we've seen some amazing sunsets and sunrises. The fishing scene is pretty lame so far but the kids go out every morning at low tide and look for clams, starfish, and other sea life. Acadia National Park is closed due to the government shutdown (which sucks) but people are still parking outside the closed gates and walking in. We were some of those people :-) Who knows when we'll get back here! As Aaron said the other day, "You only live once!". Check out some of our pictures from Maine.
Our campsite - it's "Maine-Ly" awesome!
Putting on the Maine sticker
They have dinner every night if you want to eat lobster and corn :-)
During low tide we can walk pretty far out! There's our RV all the way on the right.
That seagull was eating the meat out of a clam shell... Braden was going to investigate.
Aaron - from the shore it looked like he was walking on water
One of the highlights of the KOA was the Banana Bikes - the boys had a blast zooming around on these things!!! The other highlight of the campground was the pancake breakfast! $7 for my three guys!
You could hear these boys hooting and hollering all through the campground!
Everyone was still hiking in... So off we went! There's safety in numbers :-)
Breathtaking views- seriously, pictures can not convey how amazing this place is!

Even Bodie appreciated the views
See Mom! I really AM here! Here's proof!
Here I am again!
Braden is a serious hunter- he's always looking for creatures!
No fish but we saw a freakishly large tadpole
Little Brave Man - he decided to strip down to his undies and go for a dip in Echo Lake!
Harbor in a small Maine town
A Maine Picture Montage
More hiking and sightseeing tomorrow! Better get some sleep! Goodnight!
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